by Cate Sarci, Filippo Cocca, Dem The 1st

Off the phones!
The virtual realm bombards us relentlessly with an overwhelming influx of infor- mation, data, and images. It dictates what we should think, like, listen to, con- sume, and purchase. In this inundation, we believe that our connection with the immediate reality surrounding us and our work becomes compromised, con- stantly intercepted and distracted by an array of virtual stimuli.
Amidst this landscape, what does reality truly convey to us? We have come to recognize the scarcity of radical spaces for critical examination and reinterpre- tation of our existence. Even in a vibrant metropolis like London, brimming with creativity, we (Cate, Filippo and Dem) have witnessed the pervasive digitaliza- tion that inevitably influences and shapes our experiences.
Ultimately, these influences permeate our creativity and impact the judgment we place upon it. With “Ri-Creazione” (Re-Creation), our intention was to establish a space that preserved the vitality of uninhibited creativity for a two-week period spanning the end of June to the beginning of July. Free from the influence of the digital realm, we sought to explore how our creative capacities would respond within an unadulterated, non-”augmented” context.

The re-found sense of community and reality
Through the digital-free artistic experimentation of “Ri-Creazione”, our primary goal was to establish ourselves as peers within Rome’s creative community. We sought to engage artists, photographers, musicians, and poets, inviting them to participate in our project and fostering a sense of collective inspiration.
Our vision was to draw inspiration directly from the essence of the place itself— the vibrant art, rich history, and captivating people of Rome. To achieve this, we immersed ourselves in the city’s nocturnal atmosphere, venturing out to explore and connect with fellow artists and individuals. By day, we joined forces with these newfound collaborators, working together on various scales and employing diverse materials. Old canvases, discarded cardboards found on street corners, Polaroids, abandoned computer motherboards, worn patches, plastic bags, and scraps of all kinds became the raw materials of our creative process.
Set against the backdrop of Rome’s breathtaking beauty, our endeavor unfolded within the endless archives of inspiration that the city offers. Simply by wandering its streets, we were able to tap into an abundant source of creative energy.

In our collective pursuit to express our cultural and personal identities, we often find ourselves immersed in the digital realm, shaping our narratives within its visual language. However, it begs the question: Who are we beyond the online realm? With our project, our mission was to reawaken our senses, delving deeper into our own being and the rich cultural tapestry that envelops us.
Through Re-Creation, we sought to Re-Connect with reality by carving out a space untouched by technology—a sanctuary for unrestricted individual creativity. This endeavor involved not only ourselves but also an entire community, as we aimed to cultivate a new sense of belonging. Stripped away from the virtual distractions, we were compelled to seek inspiration in the people around us and the physical environment. In doing so, we underwent a transformative pro-cess, purifying both ourselves and the artistic outputs of our endeavors.
Our intention was to unveil a profound perspective on our own identities and the intricate cultural fabric we inhabit, reminding ourselves and others of the vibrant existence that lies beyond the confines of the digital world. By embracing this journey, we discovered a fresh wellspring of inspiration, grounded in gen- uine human experiences and the tangible beauty of our surroundings.

creative direction: CATE SARCI @catesarci , FILIPPO COCCA @filippococca, DEM THE1ST @demthe1st 
photography: GIOVANNI PEYRONE @gianni.jpg200
models: AMINA @ghettokawaii, NINA @nina.fucci
photography assistants: ROCCO CASELLA @roccopuntocasella, LORENZO LANDI @sirioolmo
post-production: ROCCO CASELLA @roccopuntocasella
designers and artists: CATE SARCI @catesarci, FILIPPO COCCA @filippococca, DEM THE 1ST @demthe1st, MARCUS SIVYER @ marcussivyer, GUGLIELMO GIOVANNINI @gio_.610, NICOLINO MANCA @azurdenicolino, MIRO





Creative Fields